Education Reforms

Efforts are needed to provide better living facilities to the people, to provide them clean drinking water and to provide them better education. In this regard more and more educational institutions should be set up in the rural areas especially in FATA and other parts of the country. There is also a need to devise a strong strategy that law and order situation in FATA can be controlled where people are suffering for years

REPID is playing its vital role in promotion of education by providing assistance in schools construction, maintenance and supply of educational materials. REPID took measures to improve the efficiency of primary education, including multi-grade teaching, double-shift teaching, and incentives for teachers in hard-to reach areas. The gender gap in most levels of primary education has been eliminated with efforts. Absenteeism and dropout rates of girls are frequently associated with inadequate hygiene and sanitary facilities at schools which has been tremendously reduced due to efforts made by REPID in FATA. Quality of education was also a major challenge which has been improved by teacher training, implementing the use of mother tongue in lower grades, and increasing the relevance of the curriculum. Access was improved by the continued provision of schools and classroom facilities, training teachers in social education, and provision of basic education in emergency situations.

Secondary education has expanded because of the liberalization of private sector participation. However, access to secondary education remains very unequal. REPID is therefore seeking to improve the targeting of secondary education by supporting private community secondary schools, introducing student bursaries, and increasing efficiency by double-shift teaching and increasing the teacher-student ratio above 30. Vocational education needs to be well matched with the economy’s needs. A more flexible framework will be developed allowing for modular courses. The Education Sector Plan envisages that vocational education will become an alternative to academic education in the last two years of the secondary level, rather than an alternative to the early years of secondary education.
