Primary and Reproductive health

REPID has assessed the high rates of Infant Mortality and Maternal Mortality for the area and has researched for the contributing factors. The researches reveal approximately 12.5 of medical consultations for the area are attributed to Water Borne Diseases, however, 26.2% of disease burden is associated with communicable diseases.

REPID has focused healthcare indicators of the area, and has strategized a responsive plan, detailing community hygiene sessions, mass meetings and Focused Group Discussions; promoting hand-washing practices, discouraging open defecation, advocating for community led reforms for appropriate sanitation and waste disposal and capacitating local resources and institutions for adaptation towards healthy and hygienic behaviors and KAP amplifications for preservation of health and prevention of diseases. REPID is supporting events of capacity building for healthcare supervisors, local TBAs and LHVs in accordance to implement and advocate family planning, scientific ante-natal and neo-natal care, household level health and hygienic techniques and hand-washing practices.


Mobile Health Unit

The proposed project is designed to provide preventive and curative healthcare in urban and rural areas with all equipment for diagnosis and treatment. The project will focus on reducing accessibility constraints of people living in rural areas or are victims of natural disasters and cannot afford to travel to bigger cities for healthcare. Mobile clinics will enable sick people with no means to access to healthcare services by overcoming barriers of time and money.

REPID has strong available  medical and non-medical human resources and skills to run the MMUs and also ready to maintain the MMUs in working and good conditions for long-term commitment to operate and to be fully responsible of the MMUs

Goal and Objectives


The overall goal of the project is sizeable reduction in disease burden, in next five years, by disseminating primary and secondary healthcare through mobile health clinics in targeted areas.


  • To provide primary healthcare services to all population in general and to disadvantaged and vulnerable groups, such as women, children and elderly, in specific
  • To improve health outcomes and quality of life for individuals with low income living in rural areas
  • To provide emergency reproductive health assistance through delivery and obstetrical care
  • To safeguard the personal hygiene and dignity of women and their families


Project Geographic Coverage

The locations for mobile health clinics will be selected with close consultation and recommendations of provincial health ministries. REPID proposed districts in consultation with Health department.

Proposed Packages of Service Delivery

Maternal Health

  • Early diagnosis of pregnancy
  • Early registration
  • Issuance of antenatal cards
  • Birth planning (and preparing mothers and families in remote areas to shift to a suitable facility at least one week before the due date
  • Regular Ante-natal check-ups, including screening for Hypertension, Diabetes and Anemia
  • Tetanus vaccination for mothers
  • Identification and referral of High Risk Pregnancy
  • Conducting safe deliveries for normal obstetric patients, in case of absence of suitable facility
  • Post Natal counselling and follow up


Neonatal and Infant Health (Zero to 0ne year Old)

  • Examination of low birth weight/preterm newborn/other high-risk newborns along with management or referral as required
  • Counselling and support for early Breast Feeding
  • Identification of congenital anomalies, other disabilities and appropriate referral
  • Encourage and partner with Immunization campaigns as and where possible and provide support
  • Management of mild dehydration, pneumonia and diarrhea


Child and Adolescent Health

  • Growth Monitoring
  • Deworming
  • Support and partner with national Immunization campaign to facilitate Immunization
  • Prompt and appropriate treatment of diarrhea and Acute Respiratory Infecti
  • Manage referrals where needed
  • Detection of Severe Acute malnutrition
  • Health promotion and health education campaigns for improvement of personal hygiene, prevention of diarrhea and anemia


Reproductive Health and Contraceptive Services

Identifying eligible couples and motivate family planning and delaying first child, child spacing, access to spacing methods


Management of Chronic Communicable Diseases:

To facilitate early detection, treatment or appropriate referral for diseases like: Tuberculosis, HIV, Leprosy, Malaria and other vector borne diseases

 Management of Common Communicable Diseases and Basic Out Patient Care for:

  • Diagnosis and management of common fevers
  • Acute Respiratory Infections
  • Diarrhea
  • Urinary Tract infections
  • Skin infections. (scabies or abscess)
  • Indigestion
  • Acute gastritis
  • Symptomatic care for aches and pains
  • Epilepsy
  • Viral Hepatitis
  • Other Systemic illnesses
  • Health prevention and promotion activities for stroke and disables patients

 Management of Mental Illness

Community education and prevention against tobacco and substance abuse along with identification and referral of mental illnesses

 Dental Care

  • Education on Oral Hygiene and substance abuse in community
  • Recognition of dental fluorosis
  • Referral for gingivitis, dental caries and oral cancers
  • Treatment for glossitis, candidiasis, fever blisters and aphthous ulcers

 Emergency Management

  • Snake bites, scorpion stings, insect bites and dog bites
  • Stabilization care in poisoning and referral after first aid
  • Trauma of any cause, initial management and referral depending on degree of trauma
  • Management of minor injuries and abscess
  • Dealing with medical emergencies, initial stabilization and referrals as appropriate

Target Beneficiaries

REPID team has planned to target the most deserving and neglected community in rural areas of Pakistan. The beneficiaries would be having state-of-the-art health facilities at their door steps. REPID team ensured that no such other facility is available before positioning of mobile clinics in the area.

Services delivery target

1x Clinical Mobile Hospital = 100 – 120 patients per day and 2,640 patients on monthly basis. This will bring an annual sum number of patients for 1x unit as 31,680 and for 6x mobile Clinics 190,080 Annually. Therefore, in five years a tentative sum of 950,400 patients would be getting free of cost health services along with essential medicines, health awareness education and diagnosis services.


1x Surgical Mobile Hospital = 20-25 patients per day (Minor Surgery). As we would be having only 2x surgical units therefore the target numbers of patients would be    13,200 annually and 66,000 in next 5 years.