“To improve living status of local communities through poverty alleviation and social development”.


  • To facilitate linkages for increasing effective coverage of development process.
  • To provide Community Services at the doorsteps of local communities with a special focus on the vulnerable;
  • To provide the Primary Health Care (PHC) and Social Services (SS) at doorstep of local communities focusing vulnerable groups;
  • To promotion of personal hygiene Water Sanitations and environmental sanitation;
  • To Protect and promote Human Rights
  • To improve the literacy rate through formal and non-formal education;
  • To manage natural resources and livelihood;
  • To contribute in harmonizing the relationship between the ethnic groups and conflict resolution;
  • To raise awareness at levels for social and economic uplifting of poor communities;
  • To build the capacities of institutions and local communities focusing women empowerment for sustainable development;
  • To promote and strengthening of Private-Private and Public-Private-Partnership
  • To build institutional capacity at local level focusing women for sustainable development.
  • To build institutional capacity of REPID for effective and efficient functioning of organization.
  • To raise funds for self-reliance of REPID for sustenance of REPID vision and mission.
  • To execute business and raise funds both within and outside Pakistan to become self-supporting.
  • To write, print, publish issue and circulate gratuitously or otherwise any newsletters, reports, periodicals, books, newspapers, films, pamphlets, leaflets, other documents, posters, bill-Boards, and all other information.
  • To arrange, hold and provide for workshops, lectures, meetings, classes, conferences and other things reasonably necessary for the advancement of the aims of Rural Empowerment and Institutional Development .
  • To establish and manage libraries and resource centers.
  • To undertake and execute any charitable trusts for the welfare of women and children which may be lawfully established by Rural Empowerment and Institutional Development .
  • To raise funds and receive contributions from any person or persons whatsoever by way of subscriptions, donations and otherwise.
  • To establish and support or aid in the establishment and support of any charitable institution trust or fund.
  • To conduct, carryout, supervise or support research, participatory or otherwise, in the field of development, social and human welfare and other related fields.
  • To collect or otherwise acquire information relating to the aims of Rural Empowerment and Institutional Development and to collect, communicate process, translate, print, publish or disseminate the same. 
  • To conduct, carryout, organize or otherwise arrange or assist in the training of workers, researchers and others involved in development related fields.
  • To enter into and carry into effect agreements or arrangements with associations, institutions, companies or individuals which are necessary for the attainment or furtherance of Rural Empowerment and Institutional Development’s aims or any of them.
  • To purchase, take on lease or in exchange, hire or otherwise acquire any real or personal property or any estate or interest whatsoever and any rights privileges and easements over or in respect of any property which may be considered necessary for the aim of Rural Empowerment and Institutional Development.
  • To sell, manage, lease, mortgage, exchange, dispose of or otherwise deal with and turn to account all or any part of the property of Rural Empowerment and Institutional Development , whether movable or immovable, with a view to the promotion of its aims or any of them;
  • To borrow and raise money in such manner as may be considered necessary.
  • To invest and deal with any monies of Rural Empowerment and Institutional Development  not immediately required for use in connection with any of its aims in the purchase of funds, securities, or other investments or property movable or of whatsoever nature, and situated anywhere in Pakistan.
  • To pay all expenses of and incidental to the incorporation and establishment of Rural Empowerment and Institutional Development .
  • To do all other lawful things, incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above aims.


  • Natural and Manmade affected communities
  • Needy eligible community
  • Poorest of the poor men & women.
  • Deprived community,
  • Disable, Orphans, Elders, Women headed house (widows)