School Development Program SDP


UC Kot Chandana

1 Year


Rural Empowerment and Institutional Development (REPID)

With the support of UNHCR REPID is implementing school development program in providing teacher trainings, SMC, PTA,s, enrolment campaign and provision of missing facilities like

Construction of additional rooms,

Construction of latrines,

Provision of WATSAN facilities

Construction of Boundry Walls for schools











Project Brief: 

Operational Project context – changes

REPID survey and information gathered through community networks indicate that there are repair, reconstruction and need for new accommodations in Govt primary schools for developing and maintaining the student’s interest in education process. Negligence and inattention in provision of adequate, quality and conducive education environment will lead to increased number of unschooled Students whose only ambition is to grow up to help those around his/her. Educated Students indeed can better decide about changing their legal status besides offering sustainable solutions to their social and political issues plaguing their country in future. Educated and trained girls will be better placed in realizing each other’s rights and will contribute towards better economic and social cohesion between the two communities.

Implementation Arrangements

During the project implementation mainstreaming of vulnerable groups, disables, refuges, orphan children & girls have been given top priority. This is a matter of great concern and disappointment that these vulnerable groups are often marginal to mainstream development. Through the proposed project it has been ensured that the participation of vulnerable groups should provide them the confidence, motivation, and opportunity and they can fully benefit from the proposed project.

While establishing the Parent Teacher Associations (PTAs) these vulnerable groups were given representation so that they can have full voice in identification of issues relating to them and finding solutions to such issues. It was ensured that their needs, priorities and interests are not overlooked and are addressed accordingly.

The provision of better education facilities contributed in the promotion of social harmony and peaceful co-existence between refugees and the hosting communities because host communities in general believes that Afghan refuges has grabbed their resources and facilities and has left very small or no share for the host communities. Since both communities were represented in the Parent Teacher Associations (PTAs) made joint efforts towards the sustainability of the project therefore the interaction between the both communities and common objective lead towards a better understanding between refuges & host communities. 

The main features of the SSCs, as envisaged by the provincial MOE briefly included:

  1. Composition of a Committee
  2. Four elected parents elected a Chairperson from among them;
  3. The Principal/Head Master/Head Mistress/Head Teacher of the school were made the Secretary-cum-Member of the Committee.
  4. An influential person from the same locality was chosen by the parents.
  5. A retired Govt. servant from the same locality/settlement.
  6. A Councillor of the respective gender from the same locality where the school is situated.
  7. If the members at S.No. 4 & 5 were not available, parents members were elected in place thereof.
  1. Procedure for constitution of the PTCs
  2. The parents’ members were elected by at least 25% of the General Body of the parents.
  3. The parents’ members elected a Chairperson form among them.
  4. Members of the SMC were elected for a period of three academic years. Thereafter a fresh Committee will be elected.
  5. At least four members (50%) will constitute the quorum for the committee’s meeting.
  6. Bank accounts in the name of SSC were opened, which is operated jointly by the Chairperson & Secretary of the council.

Overall impact of the Project

During the project implementation, REPID has carried-out extensive meetings with relevant authorities of Ministry of Education, Relevant EDO, host community elders, etc. in identified Tehsil and carryout spadework for conducting a Need Assessment Survey (NAS) by visiting areas for identifying needs in schools to assist.

Under the proposed project REPID provided missing facilities identified in NAS like, water and sanitations, furniture both for children and students, shortage of class rooms and other identified needs as per school requirements.

REPID with proven community mobilization practices ensured that communities will support the action with contribution by way of actual work. The proposed action envisages involved parents in education process of their children and school supervision. Parent Teacher Associations (PTAs) constituted under proposed project and enabled to identify and address construction-related issues in its regular meetings and find out solutions by allocating funds for addressing the issues in future.

The proposed intervention has also contributed directly to the MDGs by sustaining existing education facilities, ensuring continued enrolment and learning at schools. The proposed project played a vital contribution in women empowerment in both Pak Afghan Communities as it give young girls strength, resolution and self respect also has contributed in giving them the capability to adapt to rapidly changing circumstances and take advantage when opportunity arises.

The proposed interventions directly contributed to RAHA outputs and outcomes by addressing needs of refugee and local communities, creating better and sustainable cohesion and trust besides being gender sensitive in the overall project strategies. REPID ensured shared learning and documentation of best practices for replication across the target areas.