Rapid Assessment Focusing Education Situation for IDPs – District Tank

REPID conducted rapid assessment focusing educational situation particularly for the Internally displaced persons IDPs children in the District Tank. In this regard, we conducted FGDs with Ki interviews, children, teachers and IDPs parents.

According to Assessment conducted REPID, 100%  chidren are interested to be enrolled in host community schools where they live. It was also observed that 40% of the children in majority study from 1 to 5 grades could not continue their study because the reason stated above. 5% of the children reported that they are not enrolled but their elder brother/sister/father/mother are teaching them at homes; 10% of the children reported that they once have been enrolled but left again schools because non cooperation and physical punishment of teachers. Majority of the girl children informed the survey team due to missing facilities and furniture, security concerns and little parents motivation could not enrole. 70% of the parents informed the survey team that they could not send their children to schools because of poverty; 10% reported that they hope to return sooner or later, 15% reported that they have security concerns for their children and 5%  reported that local teachers give physical punishment to children.

The study report concluded:

–       Teacher training

–       Provision of missing facilities such as latrines, water

–       Establishing of TLCs

–       Provision of furniture

–       Social mobilization of parnets

–       Community involvement 

–       school bags for children, school tents, School in a Box, recreation kits