Improving Educational Environment Initiative  IDP,s host communities (Edeucation)


District Tank for the IDP,s of FATA.

7 Months


Rural Empowerment and Institutional Development (REPID)

       To strengthen the education systems of IDP,s host communities and ensure that children affected by the complex emergency have access to safe, well equipped, and quality learning opportunities,

       Construction of Latrines

       Instalation of Water Supply Schemes

       School Management Committes SMC,s

       Taleemi Islahi Jirga TIJ,s

       Formation of Parent Teacher Assciation PTA,s

       Teacher training

       Provision of missing facilities such as latrines, water

       Establishing of Temporary Learninig CentersTLCs

       Provision of furniture

       Social mobilization of parnets

       Community involvement 

– School bags for children, School tents, School in a box, re-creation kits


       To strengthen the education systems of IDP,s host communities and ensure that children affected by the complex emergency have access to safe, well equipped, and quality learning opportunities,

       Construction of Latrines

       Instalation of Water Supply Schemes

       School Management Committes SMC,s

       Taleemi Islahi Jirga TIJ,s

       Formation of Parent Teacher Assciation PTA,s

       Teacher training

       Provision of missing facilities such as latrines, water

       Establishing of Temporary Learninig CentersTLCs

       Provision of furniture

       Social mobilization of parnets

       Community involvement 

school bags for children, school tents, School in a Box, recreation kits